コースターセット / Coaster Set

サイズ:たて90mm×よこ90mm×厚み約0.9mm, 角丸半径6mm(角の丸みのサイズです)
材質:コースター用厚紙 ※耐水性なし
内容:5枚 1セット(同じものが5枚入っています)
印刷方法:活版印刷 ※食用インキを使用しておりませんのでコップ等を伏せての使用はご遠慮ください。
配送:ポスト投函の場合 対応商品

N's YARDオリジナルロゴの入ったコースターです。コースターに撥水加工はされておりません。裏面は無地です。
5 COASTERS "rooster" と印刷方法が異なるため、活版印刷の5 COASTERS "rooster" red-base と 5 COASTERS "rooster" black-base は、印刷部分に若干の凹凸があります。

Size: Vertical 90mm x Horizontal 90mm x Thickness 0.9mm
Material: Paper
Printing method: Letterpress printing * Edible ink is not used, so please refrain from using it with a cup, etc. face down.
Contents: 1 set of 5 pieces (5 pieces of the same are included)

A coaster with the N's YARD original logo. The coaster is not water repellent. The back side is plain.
Because the printing method is different from 5 COASTERS "rooster", the letterpress printed 5 COASTERS "rooster" red-base and 5 COASTERS "rooster" black-base have slight dents in the printed area.




クレジットカード、amazonpay、コンビニ決済、銀行振込、ネット銀行、PayPal がご利用いただけます。くわしくはこちらをご確認ください。

HOW to ORDER in ENGLISH ( or your language )

SHIPPING for international
Shipping fee by weight. It will be displayed automatically when you make a payment in the cart.

SETTLEMENT for international

You can use credit card, PayPal, bank transfer. When order by email or form, a 4% settlement fee will be charged. Details here.
Consumption tax is not charged, but an overseas shipping fee of 10% will be charged. Although tax is included, the price does not change even if you purchase from overseas. Therefore, the consumption tax will not be refunded.

External link
ペイパル|Mastercard, VISA, American Express, Discover, UnionPay, JCB