BOOK "奈良美智 From the Depth of My Drawer"

出版社:フォイル (2005/4/23)

2004年10月に始まった、奈良美智個展「From the Depth of My Drawer」。本格的な制作に入った80年代後半から現在にいたるまでの作品を展示した展覧会は、元は個人の邸宅だった美術館から始まり、大阪のクリエイティブ・ユニットgrafが廃材を用いつくり込んだ展示空間など、原美術館(東京)、金津創作の森(福井)、米子市美術館(鳥取)のそれぞれの会場ならではの顔を見せてくれました。本書は、展示作品を見せるだけでなく、インスタレーションのおもしろさを写真やデザインで構成し、文章と展示図面なども収録することで、会場へ足を運んだ人にはもちろん、行けなかった人も存分に堪能できる貴重な一冊となりました。「ずっと開けることのなかった引き出しを開けるように過去の作品を見つめなおしてみたいと思いました。過去を見つめなおすことは、これから進むべき未来を示すヒントになるはずです。」――奈良美智


Nara Yoshitomo 's solo exhibition "From the Depth of My Drawer" that began in October 2004. The exhibition that exhibited works from the latter half of the 1980s to the present, which started in earnest production, was originally started from an art museum which was an individual mansion, and the exhibition space in which the Osaka creative unit graf made use of waste materials They showed their unique faces such as Hara Museum of Art (Tokyo), Kanazu Creation Forest (Fukui), Yonago City Art Museum (Tottori). In addition to showing the exhibited works, this book consists of photographs and designs of the fun of the installation, and by including the sentences and exhibition drawings, those who did not visit the venue as well as those who could not go It became a precious book that you can fully enjoy. "I thought that I would like to look back at past works so that I could open a drawer that I could not open all the time. Reflecting on the past should be a hint to the future that I should go forward." - Yoshitomo Nara
Please note. A record of Nara Yoshitomo exhibition of the same title as this book, which was held at Hara Museum of Art, Kanazu Creative Forest, Yonago City Art Museum from 2004 to 2005. Nara himself looked back on the past and came up, works ranging from the late 1980 's until recently.

Paperback: 223 pages, Publisher: Foil (April 1, 2005), Language: English, Size: 20.8 x 16.4 x 2.2 cm

ISBN-10: 4902943034
ISBN-13: 978-4902943030

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