Identity verification
In order to ensure a smooth transaction, we may require you to verify your identity. In order to ensure a smooth transaction, we may require you to verify your identity. We ask for personal use.
詳細 / Detail
English 日本語
When using PayPal, you cannot transact with us unless you are the person in question.
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We will only charge you with your email address, so we will verify your identity.Identity verification usually takes 1-2 business days. Please understand this for credit card security.
If the registration information of this shop and the PayPal card information do not match, we will email you. Basically, we will deliver to the address listed on PayPal. This is because the compensation conditions from PayPal are as follows. "The shop must deliver to the address listed on PayPal." -The information does not match at all. ・ I purchased it individually, but my PayPal account is a corporation. ・ There is an excess or deficiency in the explanation from the purchaser. Etc ... For some reason, even if you make a deposit, it may be refunded (cancelled). There is no additional charge for refunds, but the transaction fees paid when you received the original payment will not be refunded.
If you want to refund via Paypal for some reason
You can only trade with the email address registered in this shop. If you request an address other than that, we will not recognize you. Please note that this is considered to be false registration information.Please contact PayPal remittance at this shop, which cannot be used as a client for e-mail notification from the remittance e-mail address.
It takes time to verify your identity because you will be billed only by your email address. Identity verification usually takes 1-2 business days. Please understand this for credit card security.If your registration information and PayPal card information do not match, you will receive the following email.

We will deliver to the address listed on PayPal.
Because the compensation conditions from PayPal are as follows.
"The seller must deliver to the address listed on PayPal."
・The information does not match at all.
・ You purchased it individually, but your PayPal account is a corporation.
・ There is an excess or deficiency in the explanation from the purchaser. etc...
For some reason, we may refund (cancel) even if we make a deposit. There are no additional fees for refunding payments, but the transaction fees you paid when you received the original payment will not be refunded.
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- 当ショップはあなたのメールアドレスに請求または送金し、あなたの身元を確認します。問題が起きたときに本人でないと、当ショップおよびペイパルが解決できないからです。 本人確認には通常1〜2営業日かかります。 セキュリティのためご理解ください。 当ショップの登録情報とPayPalカード情報が一致しない場合はメールでお知らせします。 PayPalアカウントに記載されている住所に配送します。 これは、PayPalからの補償条件が以下のとおりであるためです。 「ショップはPayPalに記載されている住所に配送する必要があります。」
- ・情報がまったく一致しません。 ・個人で購入しましたが、PayPalアカウントは法人です。 ・購入者からの説明に過不足があります。 等…何らかの理由で、入金しても返金(キャンセル)される場合があります。 返金の追加料金はありませんが、元の支払いを受け取ったときに支払われた取引手数料は返金されません。
- 円建てで取引させていただきます。
- 何かしらの理由でペイパル経由で返金する場合 いかなる場合でも当ショップに登録されているアカウントのみ取引が可能です。
それ以外アカウントの場合は本人と認められませんのでキャンセルとなります。登録情報の虚偽とみなされるためご注意ください。 - 送金されたメールアドレスからの受け取りに関しては当ショップは対応できませんのでペイパルまで直接お問い合わせください。